Town Government
Town Board
Board meetings are held at Ogema Town Hall the 2nd Thursday of each month. Changes to the schedule will be posted on the town hall bulletin board and the website.
Town Officers
Charles Kramer
Phone: (320) 384-6110
ditch mowing, brush cutting
Vice Chair
Ronald Meehan
Phone: (320) 384-6110
supervisor - road maintenance, cemetery/town hall mowing
Anne Haas
Phone: (320) 384-6110
noxious weeds
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission meets at 6 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month at the Town Hall, as needed to conduct business. The public is welcome at all meetings. Click here for scheduled meetings and Public Hearings.
Zoning Administrator
Robert Brewster
Phone: (320) 242-3236
Planning Commission
Kolleen Schneider
Planning Commission
Carol King
Cemetery Committee
Government Documents
Comprehensive Plan
Fee Schedule
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Request to be on the Agenda
• The Ogema Town Board meets at 8 PM on the second Thursday of every month. Al requests to be on the agenda must be made in writing at least three days prior to the Town Board meeting (by 5 PM on the preceding Monday). Requests must be submitted to the township clerk at address below.
• Requests must state the name of the requester or spokesperson, the subject matter to be discussed, and a description of the action you want to be taken by the Town Board.
• Requests that do not contain the above information, or requests that pertain to clerk or treasurer duties that can be handled by, or answered by the clerk or treasurer outside of the meeting, will not be on the agenda.
• Agenda items will be listed in the same order in which they are received.
• Persons other than those listed on the agenda request form may only speak at the meeting upon the discretion of the Town Board.
• The Town Board Chairman will review the preliminary agenda and decide whether questionable items wil remain on the agenda for the meeting.